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2024-06-21 祝福英文短信



1、Wishing you a happy and blessed National Day filled with love and joy.

2、May the colors of our national flag fill our hearts with pride and joy on this National Day. Happy Birthday, China!

3、Happy National Day to the land of innovation and entrepreneurship! May your creativity and hard work lead to greater prosperity and progress! 祝创新和创业之地国庆快乐!愿你们的创造力和努力带来更大的繁荣和进步!

4、May our country continue to be a shining light of hope and inspiration for the world!

5、Here's to the nation that has stood the test of time and emerged victorious. Happy National Day!

6、Let's celebrate the National Day with joy, pride and optimism, believing in the limitless potential of our country and its citizens. 让我们以欢乐、自豪和乐观的心情庆祝国庆节,相信我们国家和公民的无限潜力。

7、Congratulations on another year of independence and progress!

8、May this National Day inspire us to cultivate virtues and values that are universal and timeless, such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity! 愿这个国庆节激励我们培养普遍和永恒的美德和价值观,如仁、爱、诚和正直!

9、May this National Day inspire us to work harder, learn more, and improve ourselves, and may we contribute to the development and progress of our country and the world! 愿这个国庆节激励我们更加努力工作、学习更多并提高自己,为我们的国家和世界的发展和进步做出贡献!

10、Happy National Day and may our country continue to prosper and progress!

11、Wishing all my fellow citizens a happy National Day!

12、The National Day is a time for family, friends and loved ones to come together and celebrate the beauty of our country. 国庆节是一次家人、朋友和爱人聚在一起,共同庆祝祖国之美的时刻。

13、May this National Day bring a renewed sense of patriotism and pride.

14、On this National Day, let us pledge to work towards making our country a better place for all its citizens. 在国庆节这一天,让我们承诺为使我们的国家成为全体公民更美好的地方而努力工作。

15、It's National Day again! Wishing you every happiness and success on this special day! 国庆再次到来!祝你在这个特别的日子里一切都好!

16、Let’s celebrate our country’s achievements and progress!

17、On National Day, let's honor the traditions and celebrate the diversity of our country.

18、Let us all work towards a brighter future full of hope and possibility for our country!

19、May this National Day inspire us all to work together towards a brighter and better future.

20、Let's celebrate the achievements and milestones of our country on National Day.

21、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate the unique culture and diversity of our great nation!

22、Happy 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China! 祝中华人民共和国成立70周年快乐!

23、Happy National Day! Let's cherish our natural resources and protect our environment.

24、May this National Day bring you and your loved ones a lifetime of joy and happiness! 愿这个国庆节给你和你的亲人带来一生的快乐和幸福!

25、Happy National Day! Let's honor and pay tribute to our heroic firefighters, soldiers, and medical workers.

26、May this National Day be filled with joy, peace, and prosperity for us all.

27、Let's unite together for the prosperity of our country on this National Day! 让我们在国庆节上共同团结起来,为了祖国的繁荣而奋斗!

28、Wishing you a wonderful National Day with your loved ones by your side.

29、On National Day, let's come together to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of our country.

30、Let's celebrate our freedom and unity on this National Day. Happy festivities to all!

31、May the National Day inspire us to cherish the wonders and treasures of our country's natural and cultural heritage, and work towards protecting them for future generations. 愿国庆节激励我们珍视我们国家自然和文化遗产的奇迹和宝藏,并为子孙后代保护它们而努力。

32、Celebrating National Day with joy and pride in our hearts!

33、Happy National Day! Stay proud and patriotic!

34、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation on this National Day. Happy Birthday, China!

35、Happy National Day! Let’s cherish our country’s remarkable growth and progress!

36、On this special day, may you enjoy the beauty of our country and cherish the memories that come with it.

37、May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with pride, joy, and hope.

38、May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with love for our country!

39、In honor of China and its people, Happy National Day!

40、Best wishes to the people of the motherland on this National Day, let us work towards a better and brighter tomorrow!

41、Happy National Day to all! Let's celebrate our shared love for our country!

42、Wishing all Chinese citizens a happy and blessed National Day celebration with their families and friends.

43、May our country continue to be a beacon of hope and freedom on National Day and beyond!

44、This National Day, let's show our love for our country and take pride in all that it represents!

45、On this National Day, let's honor the pioneers and visionaries who made our country what it is today.

46、Happy National Day to the land of opportunities, may we embrace the future with confidence and optimism!

47、May this National Day inspire us all to work towards a more peaceful and prosperous future.

48、Happy National Day to my fellow Chinese – let's make it a memorable one!

49、Let's cherish the freedom, unity and prosperity that our country has achieved on this National Day! 让我们在国庆节上珍惜我们的国家所取得的自由、团结和繁荣!

50、Happy National Day! May the beauty and richness of our culture continue to inspire us all.

51、Celebrating our country’s achievements and progress on this National Day!

52、Let's celebrate our unity and resilience as Chinese people, and overcome any challenges and difficulties that we may encounter with courage and determination! 让我们庆祝我们作为中国人的团结和韧性,并以勇气和决心克服我们可能遇到的任何挑战和困难!

53、Wishing everyone a joyful and peaceful National Day celebration!

54、Happy National Day to a country that has made remarkable strides towards progress and development!





