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1、Bless you: National Day, family day, universal celebration, official resources, financial resources, right and left, popularity, luck, fate, willing, wish, wish. 祝福您:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,人缘、福缘、缘缘不断,情愿、心愿、愿愿随心。

2、Friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? I walk out together with it, to see so many Concubine Jiangshan, Zheyaoshan countless heroes do。

3、meet with you in the fall, the National Day, in early winter long you think Christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - my first National Day to a better date, okay? 、与你相遇在秋高气爽的国庆,想你在初冬漫漫的圣诞,吻你在青草已绿的春天,只想轻轻的问你──-国庆给我一次美好的约会,好吗?

4、At this moment, I miss you most. Let the cloud carry the full blessing, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a happy National Day holiday. 这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个快乐幸福的国庆假期。

5、When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited I wish a happy National Day!

6、Wish you a happy National Day!

7、million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to

8、really love you. On the beautiful national day, I must tell you my heart. Will you sit with me until dawn this national day? 我真的很爱你,在美丽喜庆的国庆节,我一定要跟你说出我的心里话。今年的国庆节你陪我一起坐到天亮好吗?

9、The National Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday!

10、wish you happiness and happiness.

11、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this

12、China Recalling the road traveled over so many years, I am glad he is a Chinese! And I would like to have the same idea - a happy National Day! !

13、happy National Day! Health!

14、throughout the carpetof flowers forms the sky music critics. In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.

15、mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is

16、The air crisp, clear sky, fragrant hill overlooking, see red leaves everywhere, smell aroma reflects the blue sky, the broken pieces back together with limitless scenery.

17、National Day Mid-Autumn festival together, family and friends gather together, the lover lover together, you and I together he, everyone together for a better tomorrow together!

18、wish trouble with the wind, blowing to the sky, happy into the wind, blowing head-on. Daoshun, Renshun, everything goes well, Hello, Hello, everyone. Happy National Day. 祝烦恼随风,刮向天空,快乐成风,迎面吹送。道顺,人顺,事事顺,你好,我好,大家好。国庆快乐。

19、Autumn is the season of harvest, fall is tempting moment. Harvest to you forever if autumn fruits, laughter to you forever if blooming flowers.

20、May my most sincere smile accompany you, and I deeply wish you a happy National Day and a brilliant career!

21、States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents

22、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! !

23、Celebrate your country: Pepsi! Everything drinks! Wow daily Ha Ha! Constantly Improve! Keke MACLEOD high! Feeling like Sprite! Always smart!

24、Love is the yearning of heart, the resonance of feeling, the collision of inspiration, the sparkle of electric light, the sweet nectar and the intoxicating pure wine. Happy National Day! 情是心中的向往,是感觉的共鸣,是灵感的碰撞,是电光的闪耀,是甜蜜的琼浆,是醉人的纯酒。祝国庆节快乐!

25、love our motherland, I love our common home. Bless our dear and great mother, step by step toward prosperity, towards glory. 我爱我们的祖国,我爱我们共同的家园。祝福我们亲爱而伟大的母亲,一步一步走向繁荣,迈向辉煌。

26、opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every

27、National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million:

28、Every day and night of acacia, miss, far-away place of you, the National Day, although you lonely, but so beautiful! Because of I sincerely wishes!

29、Happy National Day holiday season, the month circle person circle everything together. People in almost every arranges everything. I wish the whole family happiness, and fertility and family happiness!

30、National Day mid autumn reunion, family and friends together, lovers and lovers together, you and I he together, together for tomorrow better and get together! 国庆中秋相聚,亲朋好友相聚,情人恋人相聚,你我他相聚,大家一起为明天更好而相聚吧!

31、matter how far away, no matter how many years, let my blessing to the stars, dodges in your life every day! Happy National Day!

32、Auspicious luck, BBK, blessing, luck rise, I wish you a happy and relaxed life.

33、Water in the flow, fish in the swim, love you don't need a reason; the wind in the wind, rain in the next, very want to hold you to kiss; day, love, national day romance can't go down! 水在流,鱼在游,爱你不需要理由;风在吹,雨在下,很想抱你亲一下;天有情,地有情,国庆浪漫一下行不行!

34、wish you every day happy and happy.

35、in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking. Sincerely wish you a happy National Day.

36、Happy you hot day, a special day, attention body, gently breeze pure you, don't let the sun with you! Happy National Day!

37、Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true!

38、Countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots, how are you me you me you me.

39、Happy National Day, happy seven days!

40、The auspicious moment came again, and the National Day was happy.

41、National Day, you are happy and happy, happy and beautiful!





