
语录 > 名人名言 > 导航



1、what does it mean for the young?it means the world each irrational things are exciting.

2、we have given a great life and the infinite noble gift,and this is their youth:full of strength,looking forward to a full,voluntary,full of knowledge and aspirations of the struggle,full of hope,confidence of youth.

3、pearl is a small matter,time is money,who picked up the most diligent in pearls,string into the money.youth who often have a"pearl."


5、into the world of civilization,human well-being made to the youth i have to create youth of the family,the youth of the nation with youthful vigor,the young man,the young earth,the universe's youth,funded by the music of health knows no boundaries.-li dazhao youth,the king of life,the life of the spring,china's life also.-li dazhao

6、spring is the nature of the new season of the year;and the life of the new season,life is the only young once.

7、你就是乌鸦落在猪身上,只看到别人黑看不到自己黑.你这么年轻漂亮,工作有好,现在沦落到和我签这个合同,你想没想到时你自身有毛病?所以你会被剩下。就像海鲜和鲍鱼一样,如果剩下了就不好吃了。两个字去形容你很恰当,淋漓尽致,剩女。 《第22条婚规》


9、工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。(法国哲学家 伏尔泰)

10、for young evergreen tree,i have to rely on the cause of the light shining,the water rely on the love of the water.

11、young people in the strongest terms the request is understood.




15、if the candle of youth in order to weep with grief,will never be proud of the brilliant shine.

16、it is shameful for most young people lack the necessary creativity.


18、exile is the youth of old age,money order,in about 30 years,you can add interest payments.

19、young's sensitive and creative spirit,with a maturity of scientists a wealth of knowledge and experience combined will be able to complement each other.-beveridge



22、with my old non-white people!youth is no longer even ruzhi?in the non-ruoguan boy,did not learn far more famous husband?-yu liangbi

23、youth is the pillar of the revolution.youth is to defend the fruits of the revolution,is to speed up the history of the world a better force.-horse of the soong ching ling bai buy gold,buy gold beauty;gaojue million payment to buy,where to buy their youth?-qu yuan

24、mo leisure day,to no longer young.-lin kuan





