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正逢新春佳节,会给家人或朋友写一句祝福的话,春节的脚步已经走来,那么我们如何写出有真情实意的春节祝福语呢?OK语录网特地为大家精心收集和整理了“英文的春节祝福语大全”, 仅供参考,欢迎阅读。

1、我们向您献上新年的祝福!we offer new year blessings to you.

2、愿新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福! May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!

3、The streets and alleys are filled with the smell of the Spring Festival. My deep blessings to you are also scattered in them. Do you realize it? Happy New Year!

4、愿你:年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气!Wishing you a happy year, a happy month, a happy day and a happy day, full of vigor all the time!

5、Teacher, you worked hard! You taught us to solve difficult problems; It was you who told us not to flinch when we were in trouble. On the eve of the new year, I sincerely wish: teachers work smoothly and everything goes well in the New Year!

6、Take a ray of moonlight, wish you a happy life, pick a lucky star, wish you everything as you wish, pick a fireworks, wish you happiness, light a candle, wish you a safe journey, hold a lantern, and wish you prosperity every day. I wish you a happy new year in advance!

7、The whole family is harmonious, happy throughout the year, happy all his life and safe all his life; Happy every day, happy every year!

8、SMS to celebrate the new year, year-round peace, live and work in peace and contentment, industry and Bangxing, prosperity, good luck and eternal youth. I wish you a happy New Year!

9、一帆风顺: wish you every success

10、Dear teacher, plain snow is your symbol; Present the sacred aura woven for you and wish you a happy and happy year after year!

11、在新春佳节到来之际,祝您全家身体健康,万事如意!When the Spring Festival comes, I wish you and your family good health and good luck.

12、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我所做的一切。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, and thank you for all you have done for me. Please accept my new year's greetings, wishing you peace and happiness.

13、祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地!Greeting transformed into a poem,a melody,open a garden of spring!

14、恭贺新禧,万事如意。 Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year

15、所有的记忆如落定的尘埃,不经意间惊醒,在岁末新春之际,默默执着的思恋。All memories such as the dust settled, inadvertently awakened, at the end of the New Year, silently persistent love.

16、What rings is the bell, what passes through is the years, what remains is the story, and what takes away is the blessing! Hope, hope is beauty, send is blessing, wish you: Happy New Year! Peace and happiness, step by step!

17、祝您永远健康快乐。may joy and health be with you always.

18、生意兴隆: wish your business success

19、祝福您及全家新年快乐。wishing you and your family a very happy new year.

20、新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。Taking the New Year's bell sounded,gone with the wind to send my blessing,lingering in your side.

21、在新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福! Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year

22、No trace of years, only you and my friendship will last forever; The world is warm and cold, only you and my friendship will last forever. The new year is coming again. I wish you a happy day.

23、Best wishes for the year to come!恭贺新禧!

24、祝你今后获得更大成就。Wishing you many future successes

25、在新的一年里,愿您分分秒秒平平安安朝朝暮暮开开心心日日夜夜健健康康岁岁年年潇潇洒洒永永远远快快乐乐时时刻刻风风光光生生世世顺顺当当 In the new year,I wish you every second of the day and night safely perfectly healthy happy days and nights each year is a little guilty forever happily always Fengfengguangguang lifetimes cis Dangdang.





