
语录 > 祝福语 > 导航


2024-08-26 祝福英语


Happy National Day to the land of mountains and rivers!~~我想你一定对这句话感兴趣,OK语录网为此仔细地整理了以下内容《写给朋友的祝福信英语63句》,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有所帮助。


1、Happy National Day to the land of hope, peace, and progress! 祝福希望、和平和进步的国家国庆节快乐!

2、May the National Day be a time for us to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead and renew our commitment to overcoming them. 愿国庆节成为我们反思未来挑战、重申我们克服困难的承诺的时刻。

3、Let’s honour the legacy of our forefathers on National Day!

4、Let's celebrate our rich cultural heritage on this National Day. Happy National Day!

5、On National Day, let's reflect on the sacrifices and achievements that have made our country what it is today.

6、May the spirit of freedom and independence shine bright on this National Day!


8、Wishing all my Chinese friends a happy and joyful National Day!

9、Let us honor and pay tribute to the legacy and achievements of our forefathers – happy National Day!

10、Happy National Day to all the patriots who love and serve their country with dedication and devotion! 祝所有致力于爱国和为国家服务的热血青年在国庆节开心快乐!

11、May the spirit of National Day inspire you to achieve greater heights!

12、Wish you a happy National Day! 祝你国庆节快乐!

13、Let's wave our flag and sing our national anthem, and show the world our pride and unity as Chinese people! 让我们挥舞我们的旗帜,奏响我们的国歌,向世界展示我们作为中国人的骄傲和团结!

14、Happy National Day weekend – let's enjoy the festivities and traditions!

15、Let's come together to celebrate the unity and strength of our nation on National Day.

16、On behalf of our country, we wish you a very happy National Day.

17、Cheers to the great achievements of China on this National Day!

18、Let’s take a moment to appreciate the blessings of our country on National Day!

19、Happy National Day to the land of the tiger and dragon!

20、Let's honor the sacrifices and hard work of our ancestors on National Day!

21、Wishing you a meaningful and peaceful National Day celebration!


22、Let us remember and honor the contributions and sacrifices of our ancestors on this National Day.

23、May the glory of our country’s past inspire us to create a more glorious future!

24、Wishing a happy National Day to all patriotic citizens!

25、On this National Day, let's honor our country's brave men and women in uniform who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe.

26、May pride and love for our country fill our hearts this National Day.

27、On this National Day, let's honor the rich history and diversity of our great nation, and look forward to a brighter future for all Americans.

28、Happy National Day! May China continue to lead the world!

29、Let's take this special day to remind ourselves of the courage and bravery of our country's founders. Happy National Day!

30、Let us cherish the blessings of peace, prosperity and freedom that our nation enjoys on this National Day! 让我们珍惜我们国家在国庆节拥有和平、繁荣和自由的祝福!

31、Happy National Day! Let’s stay true to our roots!

32、Let’s unite and build a stronger China together!

33、Here's to the most amazing nation in the world! Happy National Day China!

34、Let’s love and take care of our nation on National Day!

35、Happy National Day! Let's promote and embrace diversity and inclusiveness!

36、Let’s appreciate our rich cultural heritage on National Day!

37、Happy National Day! Let's come together as a nation to build a brighter future.

38、On this special day, let's embrace the spirit of independence and unity. Happy National Day!

39、Wishing you a memorable National Day filled with joy, peace, and love.

40、Best wishes for a happy National Day for you, your family, and the entire country.

41、Celebrating the uniqueness and beauty of our country on National Day!

42、May China's culture, history, and traditions be celebrated on this National Day.


43、Happy National Day to the land of the Yellow Emperor, the Chu-Han Contention, and the Opium War!

44、Happy National Day! Let's take pride in our heritage, our achievements, and our future.

45、Wishing you a happy National Day full of peace, love, and good cheer.

46、Happy 4th of July – a time to cherish the ideals of our founding fathers!

47、Happy National Day to all the bold and visionary leaders of China!

48、Wishing you a spectacular National Day, filled with love, laughter, and pride.

49、Let’s renew our commitment to our great country on National Day!

50、Happy National Day to all my friends and family in China! Let's celebrate the greatness of our nation together! 祝我在中国的所有朋友和家人国庆节快乐!让我们一起庆祝我们伟大国家的伟大!

51、Enjoy the patriotic fervour of National Day!

52、Let's celebrate the strength and resilience of our great nation on National Day!

53、Happy Independence Day – let’s celebrate the gift of our freedom!

54、May the spirit of National Day reignite our love for our country!

55、Let’s embrace diversity and inclusivity on National Day!

56、Happy National Day to the land of the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and the Peking Opera!

57、Wishing you all a joyous National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness.

58、Let’s cherish and preserve our traditions on National Day!

59、Happy National day my fellow citizens. May our country thrive always!

60、Let's celebrate this National Day with pride and joy, and look forward to a brighter future for China! 让我们以骄傲和喜悦庆祝国庆节,期待中国更加美好的未来!

61、On this National Day, let's remember all those who work hard to make our country great.

62、It's a great honor to celebrate our country's National Day! Best wishes to all.

63、Happy National Day to the land of mountains and rivers!





