
语录 > 祝福语 > 导航






2、Today, there are today, and now, the wages of the month, the awards in the middle of the week, the good mood every day, the good luck day of the day, the wealth god during the day, counting banknotes at night.Friends, happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


4、In view of your supreme distinguished position in my mind, I decided to grab a first and send you a Mid -Autumn Festival in advance: the salary is doubled, the work is not affordable, the moonlight dreams are good, and I want to be happy.

5、Hate Jun is not Jianglouyue, east to west, north and south, and north and south. He only wants to leave with him. Hate Jun is like Jianglou Yue.





10、There is a box of moon cakes at home. I wonder who can share with?How many secrets are in it and who can understand anyone.The outside of the cake is deeply righteous, and the cake is in mysterious.May this Mid -Autumn Festival in the sky allows you to reunite with your family and be happy!


12、Good friends, I call you to eat moon cakes, the first bite, I wish the motherland prosperous!Second, I wish us happiness and health!In the third mouth, don't drop the residue to Xiaoqiang!Fourth, let's finish eating, please check out!

13、The deep night sky presents the dream; the bright moon, the realization of happiness; the colorful lanterns, the festivals; warm text messages, and passing the blessings.My wish is given to you, I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!happy everyday!

14、Spend a good moon day, the Mid -Autumn Festival is happy; the moon is reunion, blessing to send friends and friends: I wish life like a round moon, dreams are achieved, happiness is bright moonlight, accompanied by you!Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


16、If the "month" means happy; then "friends" is two happy copies, and the happiness of friends is each other!One person is happy, all full of beauty!The Mid -Autumn Festival is here, for the sake of being full of beauty, I really hope: Everything is happy!



19、Dear friends, and Mid -Autumn Festival in the festivals, Haoyue will be empty, round and abundant, I hope you are happy and healthy, reunite in family, enjoy the moon, share the joy of heaven, and wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival, sweet and happy!

20、中秋佳节到,送你八轮月,身体“月”来“月”好,笑容“月&r dquo;来“月”甜,工资“月”来“月”多,生活“月”来“月”美好,祝你中秋节快乐,天天。



22、Friends, regardless of the new and old, you are ranked first; your feelings are the first; the first is the first; the relationship is the first to be associated;happy everyday!


24、又是一年黄,一层秋雨一层凉,天凉别忘加衣裳,保重身体多餐忙,珍惜常想想。信短情长言未尽,唯愿多安康,中秋快乐,合家团圆 !







31、Blessings, please send the breeze for me, and care for me to give me a lot of care for me. The sincere wish will be kept by Yuanyue on behalf of me. At this time, I will give a sweet moon cake: dear customer, wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!People are reunion in the month!

32、I am honored to invite you and your family to attend the Mid -Autumn Festival banquet. The menu is as follows: Happy brazen, hot and happy, fried romance, steaming and healthy, boiled and reunion, dried four seasons happy beans, baking friendship black bread, thank you with moon cake!

33、Friends are more important than leaders. Health is more important than performance. The level is more important than a diploma. EQ is more important than IQ. The Mid -Autumn Festival is more important than weekends. My greeting is more important than sending moon cakes!


35、Blessing the festival is is sweet and family is harmonious.Career is a cinnamon, promoted like a rabbit.Old friends, new blessings, I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

36、The most beautiful in the world is the golden autumn, and the grain is well -fragrant; the most round Mid -Autumn Festival in the year, the laurel tree jade rabbit is accompanied by Chang'e; the warmest life is the reunion, looking forward to the reunion festival; the most beautiful season is full of happy life.Happy holiday!

37、Friends are the most fulfilling number around them. I can't help but want to allocate the number. It is the cup of tea in the middle of the night. It is the most wanted figure in leisure.happy mid-Autumn Festival!


39、Depending on the sun, friends are like the moon.Accompany the sun with the moon, eat moon cakes, enjoy the moon, and wish a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!





