
语录 > 好词好句 > 导航





2、Teacher: Every ray of sunshine is my blessing to you. Every star is my eyes. Every rain holds me deeply to you and miss you.Nowadays, the sky has become our territory, and we will never forget that you have given us the belief and strength of flying.


4、把精魂给了我,把柔情给了我,把母亲般的一腔爱给了我……老师,您只知道给予而从不想收取,我怎能不向您表示由衷的敬意? 老师,您好!不是因为您老才叫您老师,而是跨古越今人们一直都认定姜还是老的辣。老师,您的形象表达了您对太阳底下最光辉职业的虔诚,您用生命和热血浇注了这灵魂的工程!


6、存心必怕 (打一字)——答案:具


8、Shi En is unforgettable-I wish you a happy holiday!forever happy!Master's unforgettable- "Ninety" Happy!forever!

9、Teacher, the sky is dark, you obediently, go to bed early, good night!We all like you to laugh. You laugh really beautiful, really!

10、Yesterday, you used a white chalk to express your growth, adults, success, achievements, success, achievement; today, I will send you to you to wish you wish, congratulations, blessings, wish An, wish Kang, good!happy teacher's Day!

11、由于什么原因死亡的人最多?【 答案:抢救无效。 】

12、Although you can't see you and you can't hear your voice, we are still like the past. Listen to your small cards that can be sent to my affection: I wish the teacher good health!


14、I used to have a sincere care in front of me, but I didn't cherish it well. If I can give me another chance, I will tell you five words: Teacher, thank you!

15、Your knowledge is admired by us, your wealth is convinced, and your holiday lets us celebrate together!Teacher, happy holiday!

16、Teacher's Day Wishes I am not your best student, but you are my most respectable teacher.In your festival, your student is willing to be young forever!


18、Teacher!Tribute to you with a respect of 120,000 points!Hello!Is my throat okay now?How is your body?Are children obedient?Do students work hard?The memory of the campus and your bright smile have always been around.

19、Your knowledge is admired by us, your we will convince us, and your holiday will let us celebrate together!Teacher, happy holiday!

20、You are like a diligent gardener. We are like a small tree you cultivated. We are willing to resist the cold in winter, bring you green in spring, give you cool in summer, and give you fruit in autumn!


22、You gave me a pair of powerful wings and let me fly freely in the knowledge sky; you gave me a neighboring light, so that I would not be lost in the ups and downs; you gave me a colorful world, let me sail on the road to successset sail.Teacher's Day is here, sending sincerity, I hope you will always be happy and healthy!


24、Regardless of the hard work of a hard work, the peach is familiar, Li Yushu is disabled, and it is difficult for people to plant flowers.Yougu flying incense is not ordinary.

25、You gave me the true meaning of life like a golden life.happy teacher's Day!






