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4、The Mid -Autumn Festival came from the elegant steps, coming from the bright moonlight, humming the reunion of auspicious tone, singing a happy and healthy lyrics, and truly playing the most sincere blessing for you: the moon is full of full moon, happy and peaceful.






10、Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Earnate, fulfill your mind, you wish.The body is awesome, and the moon cakes are smooth.The US dollar euro wallet is round, and a beautiful woman Chen Yuanyuan.Happiness is two reunion, spend good moonlight.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

11、The Mid -Autumn Festival is shining in the end of the world, and I wish a colorful Yunxia.Fire red maple leaves bring you happiness, clean Baiqiuyun brings you good luck, golden moon cakes bring you happiness, gorgeous text messages bring you blessings: happy Mid -Autumn Festival, family reunion.



14、The Mid -Autumn Festival reunion, the sky and the moon are divided into foreign rounds, the work is full, the love is full, the love is sweet and round, the life is happy and round, the friends get along well, the work is clever, and everything is successful.There are round days, and life is proud of dreams.I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

15、Our blessing hopes that you will receive it. Our care hopes that you know that we are thinking of your good every day, and we can't forget all our lives.How easy is it possible for customers to find, we are fortunate that we are coincidentally touched.The Mid -Autumn Festival is here again, and the blessing will not be less.

16、The month will be round, the blessing is coming, all the way, all the way, all the way, work together and support a lot.Time changes, ushered in, and intersecting friendship.The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching.



19、The Mid -Autumn Festival is here, and the family laughs.Go home from the hometown to turn home and reunite for a long time.Send osmanthus wine and put on a festive banquet.I hope that there will be at this time, and now it is now.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

20、Moon cakes are fragrant, complete Mid -Autumn Festival, beautiful life, and family reunion, let us celebrate this beautiful moment together.I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival, and hope that our next cooperation will be more upper and up, creating a big harvest of our career.

21、Pour a cup of Moon Palace Qiong Po. You can use a round of Songjian Moon for you to watch. The coolness of the autumn day is put on you. Just after the Mid -Autumn Festival, the autumn equinox comes, the autumn is high, I hope you feel comfortable!

22、The Mid -Autumn Festival is here. I looked through the autumn water for another year. Zixia left me. The master was too nagging. The cattle demon borrowed my money and did not pay it back.Water curtain cave is maliciously acquired by the bodhisattva. Fortunately, you can get online and send a message. Happy Mid -Autumn Festival in the second Master!

23、The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. If the day is clear, the moon will pin my greetings; if Tianyin, the wind will give my wish; if it rains, the raindrops give you my blessing.Whenever and where the weather, I wish you happiness and happiness!



26、Hate Jun is not Jianglouyue, east to west, north, south, north and south, and I only want to leave with each other. Hate Jun is like Jianglou Yue, and it is full of losses.





