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2、It is my honor with customers like you!On this Mid -Autumn Festival, I would like to send my most sincere blessings: good health, family reunion!I also hope that our friendship is forever!

3、The Mid -Autumn Festival reunion festival, the bright moon sends acacia, I saw the loved one in the moonlight, eating a piece of moon cake is sweet, always sweet to the heart, the wine is not drunk, I hope you dream of the Mid -Autumn FestivalFull double -stayed.

4、The Mid -Autumn Festival is happy to reunite.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

5、On the occasion of Mid -Autumn Festival, we are not partners. You are my friends. You throw off your previous troubles and think about running a good life in the future. The Mid -Autumn Festival is the meaning of this Mid -Autumn Festival.Here, we hope that our cooperation will be smooth and forever.

6、Can Qianli ask?And send the thoughts far and care, strong affection and blessings, happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

7、Mid -Autumn Festival send thoughts, Youzi left his hometown far away, and his nostalgia was faint; the Mid -Autumn Festival rewarded the moon, the willow head on the moon, love and romance; Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes, sweet and sweet, cakes are rounder.The Mid -Autumn Festival is beautiful, and Wanjia reunion!

8、Thousands of good things are good.Wish: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, everything is good, and think of things!

9、Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes represent my heart, please taste carefully.Mid -Autumn Festival moon represents my feelings, please be precisely.Mid -Autumn Festival, celebrate reunion.Wish together, good partner.Wind and rain, walk together, united and cooperate forever.


11、 中秋迈着优雅的步伐,从皎洁的月光中走来,哼着团圆吉祥的调子,唱着幸福安康的歌词,真心为您演奏着一句最真诚的祝福:花好月圆,快乐平安。 49、八月中秋将来到,圆滚滚的祝福已送到,愿您开开心心喜团圆,家庭爱情事事圆,蒸蒸日上事业圆,滚滚而来财运圆。尊敬的客户,预祝中秋快乐。


13、The round moon of the fifteenth Mid -Autumn Festival slowly rose in the sky. She spilled her light and spilled her love to the world, so that the world was colorful.The Mid -Autumn Festival is here. I wish the leader: the family reunion is sweet, happy and healthy, the work is smooth and full, and the wallet is full of joy.

14、The Mid -Autumn Festival is another year of fallen ing hard all day is very hard, don't forget to put on clothes in the sky.We take care of your body and more meals, and cherish friendship and often think about it.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, family reunion!




18、Our blessing hopes that you will receive it. Our care hopes that you know that we are thinking of your good every day, and we can't forget all our lives.How easy is it possible for customers to find, we are fortunate that we are coincidentally touched.The Mid -Autumn Festival is here again, and the blessing will not be less.

19、People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear, but they cannot reunite. I hope that people will last for a long time.happy mid-Autumn Festival!



21、Mid -Autumn Festival, November and May, and pray happily.The family members meet and meet each other, and the family is happy to celebrate the New Year.Moon cakes are beautiful and sweet, and beautiful blessings are containing.Although thousands of miles do not send Juan Juan, the wish to come will still appear.May you happy Mid -Autumn Festival and reunion!

22、Mid -autumn moon cakes need to be collected, but we have been cooperating for so long, feelings so deep, and what I do n’t give, so I have made the skin with sincerity, transferred the stuffing with blessings, and sent it with SMS to the text messages.You, I wish you a reunion in the Mid -Autumn Festival and your career!

23、Let the most round Mingyue accompany you and me, let Mingyue convey my wish and blessing.I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival, and the full moon is a good thing!

24、The Mid -Autumn Festival is here. In order to thank your strong support and cooperation, you use a small text message to express my infinite friendship.I wish you a reunion in the Mid -Autumn Festival, a high career, a happy and endless, and everything can be fulfilled.





29、月圆人团圆,月缺人分别。若是无情时,月圆亦月缺,若是有情时,月缺亦月圆。 明月千里寄相思!


31、The Mid -Autumn Festival is shining in the end of the world, and I wish a colorful Yunxia.Fire red maple leaves bring you happiness, clean Baiqiuyun brings you good luck, golden moon cakes bring you happiness, gorgeous text messages bring you blessings: happy Mid -Autumn Festival, family reunion.




35、Houyi was busy shooting the day, Chang'e stole the moon.Yue Lao has never been old, and has been in trouble since ancient times.The Mid -Autumn Festival was hung, and his heart was round.Jade Rabbit is accompanied by Chang'e, and the silk ribbon is eternal.

36、With the affection of Teacher's Day, give the good to the gardener; facing the advent of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I would like to accompany you to travel; I never stopped your blessings, and sincerely wish you a good mood every day!

37、No matter how tall the sky is, how deep the sea is, how hard the steel, the wind is large, the ruler is long, the river is wide, how strong the wine is, how cold the ice is, how hot the ice is, how hot the fire ... I just want to tell you that these are not about youWhat happened!happy mid-Autumn Festival!

38、Dear, I will send you a blessing to the moon in Fengtong's will, and let the stars bring you greetings. The breeze will send you warmth. The moon cake will bring you happiness. I hope our cooperation path is smooth and unimpeded, and the Mid -Autumn Festival is happy!

39、Qionglou Yuyu, no longer cold on the heights; neon feathers, dancing by the wind; Chang'e Jade Rabbit, sending blessings to the world; Wu Gang holds wine, intoxicated as sweet; osmanthus fragrant, fragrant in the heart;: Mid -Autumn Festival, I hope your life is beautiful, happy and endless, happy and good luck.






