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2024-07-20 七夕英文说说




1、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to celebrate the power of love to unite us all, across cultural, linguistic, and geographical divides.

2、Qixi is a day to appreciate the gifts of love and friendship that we have received in our lives, and to give thanks for the people who have touched our hearts and made us who we are.

3、Tell us that the sentiment can become weak, say can not, love can change again.

4、In Vietnam, the festival is celebrated by young girls who pray for love and good luck.

5、In some areas of China, lantern fairs are held on Qixi, showcasing colorful and intricate lanterns.

6、Want to sing to you listen, while you young flower.

7、Qixi is a time when people put aside their worries and celebrate the good things in life.

8、For many people, the Double Seventh Festival is a spiritual and emotional journey that helps to deepen their connection with themselves and with their loved ones.

9、If you think in me, can contact me, if your heart without me, I contact you again have what use.

10、Many people take the occasion to write love poems or letters, expressing their feelings for their beloved in unique and creative ways.

11、On this Qixi Festival, I want to hold your hand and walk through life's journey together. You are my guiding star.

12、In fact, no two people are right, is after the polishing of time, gradually in comfortable.

13、can't give you much warm, but there is a word called the best I could.

14、On this Qixi Festival, I want to thank you for being my rock, my support, and my everything. Happy Qixi!

15、One popular tradition involves writing wishes on small pieces of paper and tying them to colorful ribbons, which are then hung on trees or bamboo branches.

16、Happy Qixi, my love. Let's make memories that will last a lifetime.

17、During Qixi, many people visit temples and make offerings to the gods.

18、In addition to gift-giving, couples also exchange letters or messages to express their feelings for each other.

19、It is a time to celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and to honor the courage and determination of those who have overcome great obstacles and adversity.


20、As long as you stand by my side, my eyes can't see the world.

21、The Chinese film "The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd" is based on the legend of Niulang and Zhinu.

22、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate love and happiness, and to reflect on the beauty of nature and the world around us.

23、It is believed that on this day, the energies of the heavens and the earth are in perfect balance, making it a good time for lovers to pray for happiness and longevity.

24、I'm counting down the days until Qixi Festival arrives.

25、Like the legendary cowherd and weaver girl, our love transcends time and distance. Happy Qixi to my one and only.

26、In ancient times, Qixi was seen as a day when the gods would bless couples with prosperity and happiness.

27、People believe that if it rains on Qixi, it is a sign that the Weaver Girl is crying for her love.

28、As the magpies bridge the vast sky, my love for you knows no limits. Happy Qixi Festival, my one and only.

29、If that day I said to you, please don't go, stay with me you will still, letting go does not return.

30、We went through, every city in the distance, just to be together the life time, the most beautiful love.

31、You bright my whole youth, and I will use lifetime to cherish you.

32、It is a time to seek spiritual enlightenment and inner peace, and to connect with the divine forces that guide us on our life journey.

33、The festival of Qixi celebrates the love and devotion of Niulang and Zhinu.

34、Do you think I do not love you, but you don't know, I already cannot leave you.

35、Qixi Festival is a time to appreciate the beauty of romantic love and the transformative power that it can have in our lives.

36、Online just because you are in, only because you're too long didn't online banking.

37、May the stars align on this Qixi Festival, as we cherish our love and create beautiful memories together.

38、Qixi, a reminder that true love can conquer all obstacles. Happy Qixi to the one who completes me.


39、On this Qixi night, let's dance under the moonlight and proclaim our love to the world.

40、The festival has been celebrated in many countries with Chinese communities, including Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam.

41、Qixi is a day to celebrate the power of love to transcend all boundaries, whether they be social, cultural, or even cosmic.

42、Blisteringly hot weather, for you belly bowel, the road of life and love can be?

43、Whether you're newlyweds or have been together for years, Qixi Festival is a special day to celebrate your relationship.

44、Want to have a home, have a deep love my man, and then slowly to the old romantic together.

45、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the beauty of love and the wonder of the universe.

46、During Qixi Festival, lovers often exchange chocolates, flowers, and other gifts.

47、Missing is my lover, my sea, we fell in love and missing small build of the sea.

48、May our love grow stronger with each passing Qixi Festival.

49、The Qixi Festival is an opportunity for couples to strengthen their relationship and renew their commitment to each other.

50、The festival is an important part of China's cultural heritage and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and passion.

51、Many people in China celebrate Qixi Festival by releasing lanterns into the sky.

52、The festival is a symbol of everlasting love and undying devotion between couples.

53、On Qixi Festival, we celebrate the bond we share with our significant other.

54、I'm afraid of love too deep will get lost, just by the way, I'll walk you to the end of the belong to us!

55、On Qixi Festival, we honor the love we share with our significant others.

56、World is light and dark you my world only light.

57、May our love story continue to blossom and grow, just like the flowers in full bloom on Qixi Festival.


58、During Qixi, Chinese families often eat a special meal together that includes dumplings, noodles, and vegetables.

59、The Double Seventh Festival is celebrated not only in China, but also in other parts of East Asia such as Japan, Vietnam, and Korea.

60、When sleeping, don't live up to bed, when busy, don't live up to what road, love, live up to people.

61、The festival is a popular theme in Chinese arts and crafts, as well as in traditional music and dance performances.

62、like the color of the sky, the smell of the wind, the sea and the depth of your voice.

63、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the power of love to heal and transform lives.

64、The furthest distance in the world, is I stand in front of you and you don't know I love you!

65、Some Chinese couples choose to get married on Qixi because of its romantic connotations.

66、want to hold your hand on valentine's day. Dear, happy valentine's day.

67、In some areas of China, girls are not allowed to use needles or scissors on Qixi, as it is thought to bring bad luck to the Weaver Girl.

68、During Qixi, many people express gratitude for the love in their lives, and make a commitment to nurture and cherish it.

69、Qixi, a day to show gratitude for the love we share. Thank you for being the best partner I could ask for.

70、didn't think that I have the real happiness, then I met you. Dear, happy valentine's day.

71、Qixi is a time when people express gratitude for the love and support they receive from their family and friends.

72、During the festival, some people also make offerings to the deities, asking for their blessings and protection.[零思考方案网 M.03kkK.coM]

73、Love knows no boundaries, and on this Qixi Festival, I am reminded of the distance that separates us. But our love bridges the gap.

74、I'm looking forward to spending this special day with my love.

75、Let love withstand time, hand in hand with happiness of plain, is the most perfect.

76、Unrequited love is a kind of strength, but who can deny that unrequited love is negligible.





