
语录 > 好词好句 > 导航





1、The meaning of the original text must be conveyed faithfully in the translated version.原文的含义必须在翻译版本中忠实地传达出来。

2、The translation should be true to the author's style and tone.


4、The translator should be able to handle technical and specialized vocabulary.

5、The translator should use appropriate terminology and avoid jargon or slang.

6、The translation should be faithful to the original text and not deviate from its meaning.


8、The translator should be able to recognize and resolve ambiguities in the source text.

9、The translation must be engaging and hold the reader's attention.翻译必须引人入胜,吸引读者的注意力。

10、The translation must be culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target audience.翻译必须在文化和语言上适合目标受众。

11、The translation should be engaging and compelling for the target audience.

12、The translation must be accurate and culturally appropriate.


14、The translator must be able to work with specialized software and tools.翻译人员必须能够使用专业的软件和工具。

15、The translation should respect the integrity and intent of the original author's work.翻译应该尊重原作者的作品完整性和意图。

16、The translator should be able to accurately convey the author's intended tone and message.翻译人员应该能够准确传达作者的意图和语气。

17、The translation should be consistent in terms of terminology and style.

18、The translation should be formatted and presented in a professional manner.翻译应该以专业的方式进行格式化和呈现。

19、The translator must have a good understanding of both the source and target languages.翻译人员必须对原语言和目标语言都有良好的理解。



21、The translator should have a strong command of both the source and target languages.

22、The translation should be reviewed by a second translator for accuracy and completeness.翻译应该由第二个翻译人员进行审核,以确保准确和完整。

23、The translation must be appropriately localized for the target market.翻译必须根据目标市场进行适当的本地化处理。

24、The translator must be knowledgeable about the cultural nuances of both languages.翻译人员必须熟悉两种语言的文化细微差别。


26、The article poses a challenge for even the most seasoned translators.这篇文章即使是经验最丰富的翻译人员也会感到一定的挑战。

27、The translator should be able to convey the meaning and tone of the original text.

28、The translation should be visually appealing and easy to read for the target audience.

29、The translation should be mindful of the legal and ethical considerations of the target market.翻译应该考虑到目标市场的法律和道德考虑。

30、The translator must be able to research and verify information as needed.翻译人员必须能够根据需要进行研究和验证信息。

31、The translation should be formatted and presented in a professional manner.

32、The translator should have a thorough understanding of the subject matter being translated.



35、The translation should be well-researched and supported by appropriate references.

36、The translator should be familiar with the relevant industry or field-specific terminology.翻译人员应该熟悉相关行业或领域特定的术语。




39、A professional translator should be able to deliver high-quality work on time.


41、The translator must be aware of the potential impact of the translation on the target audience.翻译人员必须意识到翻译对目标受众的潜在影响。


43、The translator should be sensitive to the target audience's cultural background and preferences.

44、A good translator should have strong communication and interpersonal skills.好的翻译人员应该具有强大的沟通和人际交往能力。

45、The translator should be able to handle multiple translations simultaneously.



48、A professional translator must be able to maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of clients.


50、The translation must be authentic and sound natural to speakers of the target language.翻译必须真实且对目标语言的使用者听起来自然。


52、The translator should strive for consistency in terminology and phrasing.翻译人员应该努力保持术语和措辞的一致性。

53、The translation should be easily comprehensible to the intended audience.翻译应该易于目标受众理解。

54、The translation should be compatible with the intended media or platform.翻译应该与预期的媒体或平台兼容。


56、The translation should accurately convey the author's voice and writing style.



58、A good translator should have strong analytical and problem-solving skills.好的翻译人员应该具有强大的分析和解决问题的能力。

59、The translation must be free of discriminatory or offensive language.翻译必须不含有歧视性或冒犯性语言。

60、The translator should be open to feedback and willing to make revisions as needed.翻译人员应该接受反馈并愿意根据需要进行修改。

61、The translation should be edited and proofread carefully to ensure quality.翻译应该仔细编辑和校对,以确保质量。

62、The translator should be able to express complex ideas clearly and concisely.翻译人员应该能够以清晰简明的方式表达复杂的思想。

63、The translation should be tailored to the needs of the target audience.


65、The translation should be proofread and edited by a second translator to ensure accuracy and quality.


67、The translator should be familiar with the publishing and formatting requirements of the target audience.


69、The translator should be able to capture the nuances of the source text.


71、The translator should be able to work efficiently under tight deadlines.


73、The translator should be committed to delivering high-quality work and meeting the client's expectations.

74、The translator should have excellent communication skills to ensure that the translation meets the client's expectations.

75、The translation should be delivered on time and within budget.

76、The translation should be free of errors and inconsistencies.



78、The translator must have excellent language and writing skills in both languages.翻译人员必须在两种语言中具有优秀的语言和写作能力。

79、The translator should be familiar with the subject matter in order to accurately convey the intended meaning.翻译人员应该熟悉主题内容,以准确传达旨意。

80、A good translator should be able to handle ambiguity and multiple interpretations.好的翻译人员应该能够处理歧义和多种解释。

81、The translation should be clear and easy to understand for the target audience.


83、The translation must be clear, concise, and free of errors and inconsistencies.翻译必须清晰、简洁,并且没有错误和不一致之处。


85、The translation should be tailored to the specific audience and purpose.翻译应该针对具体的受众和目的进行定制。

86、The translator should have a deep understanding of the cultural nuances of both the source and target languages.

87、The translation must be customized for the intended use, such as marketing, technical documentation, or legal materials.翻译必须根据预期的使用进行定制,例如营销、技术文档或法律材料。

88、The translator should be familiar with the cultural references and idioms used in the source text.

89、The translator should be open to feedback and willing to make revisions as needed.

90、The translator must be able to work efficiently under pressure and to meet tight deadlines.翻译人员必须能够在压力下高效工作,并满足紧迫的截止日期。

91、The translation should reflect the author's intended message and purpose.


93、The translator should be able to provide accurate and concise translations that convey the intended meaning.

94、The translation should preserve the intended tone and mood of the original text.翻译应该保留原文的意图和语气。

95、The translator should be sensitive to the cultural and social context of the original text.翻译人员应该对原文的文化和社会背景敏感。




98、The translator should be able to handle complex technical translations.


100、A good translator must possess excellent language skills and cultural knowledge.


102、Translating idioms and idiomatic expressions can be especially challenging.翻译成语和惯用语表达特别具有挑战性。


104、The translator must be able to adapt to different writing styles and contexts.

105、The translator must be skilled in adapting the tone and style of the original text to the target language.翻译人员必须擅长将原文的语调和风格适应目标语言。


107、The translation should read like a true expression of the author's intent.

108、The translation should be free of biases and personal opinions of the translator.


110、The translation requires a high level of accuracy and attention to detail.这个翻译要求高度的准确性和细节上的注意。


112、The translation should be free of grammar and syntax errors.

113、The translator should be able to work collaboratively with a team and take feedback constructively.翻译人员应该能够与团队合作,并接受建设性的反馈。








