
语录 > 名人名言 > 导航





1、A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.J. Burroughs. Averican naturalist

2、If you do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.如果年轻时不培养知识,年老时将没有乘凉的树荫。——Chesterfield

3、A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走水深。

4、One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve.人犯错误最危险的一种就是忘记自己的目标是什么。——Paul Nitze

5、I can because i think i can 我行,因为我相信我行!

6、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate、--Thomas Addison强者能同命运的风暴抗争。

7、To talk health, happiness,and prosperity to every person you meet


9、Failure is the mother of success.--Thomas Paine失败乃成功之母

10、Laziness is a person will be buried alive、 -- Taylor

11、A good name is easier lost than won.声誉失之易,而得之难。

12、It conquers all、 -- Virgil


14、It never will rain roses、 When we want to have more roses we must plant trees、 G、 Eliot, Btitish novelist、

15、If you wait, all that happens is that you get older、如果你等待,发生的只是你变老。——Larry McMurtry

16、Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth、--J、Anderson只要坚持不懈,失败十九次之后,第二十次就会成功。--安德森


18、Idle people (folks) have the most labor (take the most pains)。懒人做工作,越懒越费力。

19、To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true

20、Hope deserts us at no period of our existence、在我们一生中,希望从来未遗弃过我们。  ——R、L、Stevenson

21、He who seize the right moment,is the right man、--Goethe谁把握机会,谁就心想事成。


22、Efficiency comes from diligence、 In shortage in the play ground transportation into Si, was destroyed by the idler、 ——- Han Yu

23、To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them

24、High expectations are the key to everything.远大理想是开启万物的钥匙。——Sam Walton

25、Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.按部就班,事情很快就做完。


27、To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet

28、To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own

29、Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today

30、For me, it has not yet been realized what the rest of one’s life, is my greatest encouragement、

31、No opportunity for the lazy, but diligence can make the most common variable opportunity opportunity、 ——Martin Luther

32、What makes life dreary is the want of motive、缺少动力将让生活无聊乏味。——G、Eliot

33、Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。49.Wit once bought is worth twice taught.由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。

34、A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else、J、 Burroughs、 Averican naturalist

35、A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物一直想要当平凡人的。


37、He who seize the right moment,is the right man.--Goethe谁把握机会,谁就心想事成。

38、What may be done at any time will be done at no time.在任何时候都可做的事情,总是在任何时候都不做的事情。68.Better late than never.迟做总比不做好。

39、enrich your life today,。 yesterday is is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

40、To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others

41、Don’t stop, because others will over you; don’t look back, so as not to fall down、






