
语录 > 诗词 > 导航


2024-06-03 祝福英文




1、May the spirit of patriotism and resilience guide us forward on this National Day!

2、May we continue to stand together as a nation. Happy National Day!

3、Let us celebrate our country's uniqueness and diversity on this National Day!

4、Let us all pledge to make our country an even greater place to live, work and raise a family!

5、On this National Day, let's appreciate the natural beauty and resources of our country!

6、Happy National Day to all those who have worked hard to make our Nation strong and prosperous!

7、National Day is a time to remember and honor our heroes! 国庆节是缅怀和纪念英雄的时刻!

8、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our national cuisine on National Day! 让我们在国庆节上庆祝我们的民族美食的多样性和丰富性!

9、May this National Day remind us of the sacrifice and dedication of our ancestors!

10、Let's celebrate the rich traditions and customs of our country on this National Day!

11、Happy National Day! Here's to another year of progress, growth and success.

12、Best wishes for a bright and promising future on National Day!

13、Let's cherish and protect our land and resources on National Day!

14、Let's celebrate the beauty and diversity of our national music and dance on National Day! 让我们在国庆节上庆祝我们民族音乐和舞蹈的美丽和多样性!

15、Happy National Day, my fellow citizens! Let's create a brighter future for generations to come!

16、Let's come together to celebrate our Nation's achievements on this special day!

17、May the spirit of patriotism fill your heart on this National Day!

18、Wishing you a National Day filled with joy, peace and harmony!

19、Happy National Day to our financial workers who contribute to the stability and growth of our economy! 祝我们的金融工作者国庆快乐,感谢他们为我们的经济稳定和发展做出的贡献!

20、On this National Day, let us celebrate our country's unique identity and diversity with joy and pride!

21、Let's cherish and appreciate the freedom, independence and sovereignty of our great Nation on this National Day!

22、Let us all embrace our individual and collective responsibilities towards building a better future for our country and our world!


23、Here's to a strong and powerful Nation! Happy National Day!

24、May our flag always fly high in the sky of glory and success! Happy National Day!

25、Happy National Day to our athletes who represent our nation with pride and honor! 祝我们的运动员国庆快乐,为能够以自豪和荣誉代表我们的国家感到自豪!

26、Happy National Day to a country that is a melting pot of cultures and people!

27、Best wishes for a bright and prosperous future on National Day!

28、Happy National Day to all fellow citizens, may we continue to grow stronger and more prosperous together.

29、Happy National Day, let us celebrate our country with pride and excitement!

30、Happy National Day to our volunteers who serve our community and nation with love and compassion! 祝我们的志愿者国庆快乐,感谢他们用爱心和同情心为我们的社区和国家服务!

31、May your spirit and pride for your country continue to inspire and motivate you towards great things. Happy National Day!

32、Let's all come together and celebrate our country's greatness and diversity!

33、Happy National Day to all those who have worked tirelessly to make our Nation a better place to live!

34、May our nation continue to flourish and blossom in peace and harmony! Happy National Day!

35、Happy National Day to all those who have pursued our Nation's dream of unity, peace, and progress!

36、Let's celebrate the triumphs and achievements of our nation on this special day. 让我们在这个特别的日子里庆祝我们国家的成就和胜利。

37、May the love of our country be at the forefront of our hearts and minds on this National Day. 愿我们国家的爱永驻我们心中在国庆日。

38、Happy 72nd birthday, China! Let's raise our flags high and celebrate this great nation.

39、Happy National Day to the land of the dragon!

40、Happy National Day! Here's to another year of growth, progress and development.

41、Cheers to the freedom and sovereignty of our nation on National Day!

42、May this special day be a source of hope, peace, and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

43、Let's celebrate the natural wonders and wildlife of our country on this National Day!

44、Happy National Day to all those who have served our Nation with honour and dignity!





