
语录 > 谚语 > 导航




● 兔子成精比老虎厉害。

● 兔子多咱也架不了辕。

● 兔子啥时候也架不了辕。

● 兔子逃跑不回头。

● 兔子转山坡,转来转去还得回老窝。

● 兔子满山跑,仍旧归老巢。

● 兔毫无优劣,弄管有巧拙。

● 兔子不吃窝边草。

● 兔子急了也咬人。

● 兔子靠腿狼靠牙,各有各的谋生法。

● 兔子回头凶似虎。

● 免子尾巴长不了。

● 大年初一逮兔子,有它过年,无它也过年。

● 心里塞着个兔子。

● 不管兔子怎么叫,该种豆子还得种。

● 兔子拉车,连蹦带跳。

● 兔子吃年糕,闷心。

● 赶两只兔子,一只都捉不着。

● 割草打兔子,捎带干的。

● 瞧见兔子,就不种黑豆啦。




1.Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, sive all you can. 尽力而为,尽力节约,尽力施舍。

3.Make haste sloain) 身处山穷水尽,力争柳暗花明。

6.Make the night night, and the day day, and you , lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 只有人,生下时啼哭,活着时抱怨,去世时失望。

10.Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 人之大敌,自己而已。

11.Man is a tool-using animal. 人是用器之兽。

12.Man is mortal. 人生谁无死。

13.Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man. 并非时势造人,而是人造时势。

14.Man is the artificer of his o on it. 虚有其表。



1.Napolean himself baby. 即使是拿破仑,过去也是啼哭的婴孩。

2.Nature abhors a vacuum. 自然界里是没有真空的。

3.Nature has given us tue, to the end that lass reflecting truth. 大自然是反映真理的一面镜子。

5.Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies. 自然教我们爱朋友,宗教却教我们爱敌人。

6.Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians. 自然,时间和耐心,是三大伟大的医生。

7.Nature hty boys sometimmmes make good men. 顽皮淘气的男孩子有时成为仁人君子。

9.Necessity and oportunity may make a colect of health is doctor's . 行善莫厌烦。

17.Never cackle till your egg is laid. 事竟成,才声张。

18.Never cast dirt into that fountain of s by halves. 做事情不要半途而废。

20.Never embark on mastered oes before. 如未掌握好已学过的东西,切莫从事更深的学习。



● 白刀子进,红刀子出。

● 财多惹祸,树大招风。

● 本钱易出,伙伴难求。

● 笨鸟先飞,人多智广。

● 鼻子不通,吃点大葱。

● 保守保守,寸步难走。

● 饱不洗澡,饿不剃头。

● 闭门造车,难求合辙。

● 边学边问,才有学问。

● 搬山山倒,挖海海干。

● 搬不倒葫芦洒不了油。

● 百不为多,一不为少。

● 百姓百姓,一百个心

● 百人百姓,各人各性。

● 芭蕉根多,矮子心多。

● 挨近无赖会招无数灾。

● 矮人看场,跟人道好。

● 矮人面前,莫说短话。

● 白露雨,来一路苦一路。

● 矮子登楼梯,步步高升。



● Co.


● The fox preys farthest from his hole.


● Foxes grieve over the death of rabbits.


● Even a rabbit s to its den.


● The hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged.


● Waiting for a rabbit to hit upon a tree and be killed in order to catch it.




● Health is above ht-style: dotted; border-top-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />

● Never judge by appear-ances.【中文译文】:人不可貌相。

● An idle youth, a needy age.【中文译文】:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

● One today is ether.【中文译文】:物以类聚。

● Each age offers its oht-style: dotted; border-top-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />



● We cant judge a person by ht,once is enough.【中文译文】:年华没虚度,一生也足矣。

● What is done by night appears by day.【中文译文】:若要人不知,除非已莫为。

● When a man is going doive him a push.【中文译文】:墙倒众人推

● When children stand quiet, they have done some harm.【中文译文】:孩子不吭声,一定闯了祸。

● When one ht-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted; border-bottom-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />

● When the cat is ae their minds; fools never do.【中文译文】:智者通权达变,愚者刚愎自用。

● Wise men love truth, ht-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted; border-bottom-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />




1、A friend is never knoht heart lives long.

3、A man becomes learned by asking questions.

4、A covetous man is good to none but ue makes a hts others and consumes itself.

7、A good beginning is half done.

8、A man can do no more than he can.

9、A little body often harbors a great soul.

10、A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart.

11、An hour in the morning is .

12、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

13、A bird may be kno.

14、As a man so never dies.

17、A bad compromise is better than a good lae.

19、A book that remains shut is but a block.

20、A liar is not believed e is a dangerous thing.

22、A bad bush is better than the open field.

23、A good book is a good friend.

24、No pain, no gain.

25、A neood fame is better than a good face.

29、A contented mind is perpetual feast.

30、A single flo.

31、Tains an enemy but loses a friend.

37、A cock is valiant on his ohill.

38、A fair death honors the -glass.

40、A common danger causes common action.

41、An ounce of luck is better than a pound of es.

46、A bad thing never dies.

47、All that glitters is not gold.

48、A bad inning makes a bad ending.

50、A friend inning makes a bad ending.

52、A miss is as good as a mile.

53、A constant guest is never ood cake, better broken than kept.

55、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.

56、A burden of ones choice is not felt.

57、All that ends ood medicine tastes bitter.

59、A bad penny al door hangs long on its hinges.

61、A burnt child dreads the fire.

62、An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

63、A sno.

66、A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.

67、A great talker is a great liar.

68、A merry heart goes all the hs at false accusations.

71、A cat has W114.oRg nine lives.

72、A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.

73、A little pot is soon hot.

74、A burden of ones choice is not felt.

75、A bird in the hand is  is better than nothing all day.

77、A stitch in time saves nine.

78、A good husband makes a good e its spots.

80、A beggars purse is bottomless.

81、Adversity makes a man arden full of ood beginning makes a good ending.

86、All things are difficult before they are easy.

87、A hedge betreen.

88、A bad padlock invites a picklock.

89、A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.

90、After you is good manners.

91、A cat may look at a king.

92、A close mouth catches no flies.

93、A change of ood as a rest.

94、A bargain is a bargain.

95、Actions speak louder than ood things come to an end.

98、Accidents ain in your .

102、A .

103、Make hay ood conscience is a soft pilloerman.

107、A blind man ainst a ines that its the boundary of the  stone gathers no moss.

110、A friend is easier lost than found.

111、A bad ood uest is never er than its  idler, an old beggar.

120、A fox may groray, but never good.

121、A cat may look at a king.

122、If at first you dont succeed, try, try again

123、Dont cry over spilled milk.

124、A clear conscience is a sure card.

125、A man hts others and consumes itself.

127、The first step is al cannot learn new tricks.



● 失败得教训,成功获经验。

● 成功是辛勤劳动的报酬。

● 没有多次失败,难得一次成功。

● 困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。

● 失败是成功之母。高不过脚底板。

● 苦难是磨练意志和力量的砺石。

● 通向山巅的路,没有一条是笔直的。

● 聪明不学会失败,拙才苦练也成功。

● 成功是一把梯子,双手插在口袋里的人是爬不上去的。

● 只有成功者才能真正体会到追求的价值。

● 只要我们不停地趟睡,就不必担心自己的脚印消失--旧的消失了,新的又留下了。

● 仅有一股冲刺的猛劲,是跑不完万米远程的。

● 等待收获的人只能得到凋零的枯枝败叶。

● 航海者虽然要比观望者冒风险,但是却有希望达到彼岸。

● 一个成功者所知道的,除了勤奋,便是谦逊。

● 成功的火花在勤奋中迸发,智慧的光谱在自满中消逝。

● 失败,对弱者是一次打击,对强者却是一次激励。

● 只有象塔吊那样站稳脚跟,方能昂起昂起头颅。

● 妒忌是一簇无情的火焰,它可以使你自焚。

● 因为他人的失手而获胜,千万不要太为此而高兴。



● 老怕伤寒少怕痨。

● 撑痢疾,饿伤寒。

● 伤筋断骨一百天。

● 伤风是百病之母。

● 树大作根,气大伤身。

● 食多伤胃,忧多损身。

● 忧令人老,愁能伤人。

● 小伤风三天,大伤风七日。

● 吃饭先喝汤,到老不受伤。

● 时间是医治一切创伤的良药。

● 饿不死的伤寒,吃不死的痢疾。

● 工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。

● 早霜伤苗,晚霜伤桃(棉桃)。

● 吃得慌,咽得忙,伤了胃口害了肠。

● 预防伤风和感冒,增强体质最重要。

● 预防伤风和感冒,当心着凉最重要。

● 大汗后,莫当风,当风容易得伤风。

● 管你伤风不伤风,三片生姜一根葱。

● 据说猫儿有九命,忧虑多时也伤身。





